Short term trips offer

a purpose and long term impact

Looking to escape the cold of winter? Planning a family trip to somewhere new? Want to visit a new culture and country but don’t want to fly more than 3 hours from the United States? Does your social conscience desire to serve others in a meaningful way? Wanting more than just a fun vacation?

Friends for Colombia has a potential travel solution to meet your needs and desires. For a more in-depth experience learning about Colombia, meeting the people and serving in the efforts of Colombian nonprofit organizations, we organize and lead short term trips throughout the year. Participants learn about the work underway by Colombian nonprofits and serve in various activities and projects, such as food or clothing distribution, light construction work or educational seminars. We normally visit and serve at two organizations/programs per day, giving participants a good insight on the important work being done and providing ample opportunities to get to know the local people. Plus, you also get to enjoy the sights and culture of this exciting country.

Friends for Colombia coordinates all of the arrangements, including accommodations in local hotels, local transportation and also provides translators. There is time for participants to visit local sights, enjoy restaurants, shop and also participate in other tourist activities. Trips are usually planned for a week, but participants have the opportunity to extend for additional days, as they wish. Groups are normally limited to a maximum of 25 participants and families are welcome. Currently, trips are offered for Cartagena which is easily accessible from the United States. It is a great city to visit, rich in beauty, history and culture and with abundant opportunities to serve.

Besides learning about and serving in the work being done, these trips are often a life-changing experience for travelers. You experience another culture and see the challenges faced by many less fortunate and return feeling blessed by the opportunity to serve and having made friendships with the wonderful Colombian people.

Contact Friends for Colombia for more information or to make reservations.

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